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Friday AND Halloween on the same day – does life get any better than this? Only if you’re reading Guilty Pleasure Fridays! Ha, see what I did there? A little self-promotion never hurts, people. Moving on…

This Guilty Pleasure Friday post is dedicated to HALLOWEEN. Have fun and remember to only eat the individually wrapped candy, to stay in groups when going out, and to not dress like complete whores and pass it off as ‘costumes’ (ahem, JMU undergrad girls, I’ll be in Harrisonburg this weekend and I really do NOT want to see anyone in a thong and saying it’s Moulin Rouge – and yes, I’ve seen it before). Anywho, I love a good costume almost as much as those crazy anchors on The Today Show and thought I’d share those and some others. Enjoy!

1. The Today Show cast over the years:

[As the Munsters]

[Al Roker and Matt Lauer are the Pirates of the Carribean, Ann Curry is Cher, Meredith Viera is a mermaid and Natalie Morales is Madonna]

 [Matt Lauer as J.Lo and Al Roker as P. Diddy / Puff Daddy / whatever his name is these days]

And my personal favorite Today Show costume (get ready!)…

[Matt Lauer as Paris Hilton, hahahahaha – you know this makes your life complete, admit it]

2.Regis Philbin and Kelly Ripa are adorable and hilarious:

[as David and Victoria Beckham]

[as High School Musical kids – Regis looks like a sketchball here]

 3. Cindy Crawford dressed up as Amy Winhouse and even had a fake cocaine smear under her nose! 

 Cindy Crawford

 Cindy Crawford


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